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Understanding your bill | Colorado Electric

你每月的账单让你很容易识别关键信息, understand your energy costs and monitor your usage. 报表的前面以易于理解的格式澳门金沙登录提供了您的使用和收费的摘要. On the back page, you’ll find specific details about your bill. 


    I'm a budget billing customer                 I'm a solar customer 



Your bill breakdown

使用下拉菜单查看有关特定费用的其他信息. Depending on the type of service you receive, 您的每月账单细节可能与下面的示例不同.




你的截止日期和到期金额位于首页的顶部, along with your account number and service address.






帐单摘要将您的费用分为四类,并以简单的, easy-to-read chart.

  • Delivery: Costs to bring energy to your address. This helps to cover the cost of powerlines, technology and equipment required to deliver that service.
  • Energy supply: Pass-through market cost of electricity.
  • Taxes: Local and state taxes and fees.
  • Other: Credits, adjustments and other charges included in your bill.





If paying your bill by mail, 把首页的底部撕下来,把它和支票一起装在信封里.













  • Viewing your usage and bill history.
  • Starting, stopping or transferring service.
  • Paying your bill or changing your payment method.
  • Managing email and text alerts.
  • Enrolling in programs such as Auto Pay and paperless billing.



Customer charge: A fixed monthly charge, separate from energy usage, that recovers a portion of fixed operating cost, such as customer accounting and services, 以及与我们在客户相关设备(如仪表和服务线路)的投资相关的成本.

Demand Charge: 这笔费用是为了收回满足客户最大需求所需设施的成本. 这些设施包括发电厂、输配电线路和设备.

Energy charge: 这项费用弥补了生产和输送澳门金沙登录的某些成本,以及生产澳门金沙登录的可变成本,这些成本不能通过其他成本调整来弥补.

Tiered rates: 也被称为倒块,这些利率由两层组成. 一级,较低的费率,收费的第一个500千瓦时的使用在计费期内. 第2层的费率更高,在计费期内,所有超过500千瓦时的使用都要收费.

General rate schedule adjustment (GRSA): GRSA是由公用事业委员会(PUC)授权的增加(或减少)百分比。. GRSA适用于客户费、需求费和澳门金沙登录费.

Energy cost adjustment (ECA): 这笔费用用于补偿公用事业发电机组为客户澳门金沙登录提供澳门金沙登录所消耗的燃料成本. 非洲经委会还收回从其他供应商购买澳门金沙登录的费用, including transmission charges, costs related to hedging, 以及经PUC授权从RESA进行的某些会计转移.

Purchased capacity cost adjustment (PCCA): 这笔费用用于收回从其他供应商购买发电能力的成本.

Clean air/clean jobs adjustment (CACJA): 这一调整恢复了公用事业的所有权成本和费用,为LM6000发电涡轮机.

Demand side management cost adjustment (DSMCA): DSMCA回收与公用事业的澳门金沙登录效率计划相关的成本, as authorized by the PUC. 这些费用包括项目的回扣、人工、材料和行政费用.

Transmission cost adjustment (TCA): TCA回收公用事业公司的所有权成本和某些传输相关设施的费用,这些设施尚未包括在基本费率中.

Renewable energy standard adjustment (RESA): RESA funds the utility's renewable energy program, as required by Colorado law, 根据该法案,公用事业必须从太阳能中生产或购买部分电力, wind, water or biomass. RESA是一个百分比乘数,适用于除低收入计划资助费用外的所有费用, franchise fees and undergrounding fee.

Low-Income Program Funding Fee: 澳门金沙登录负担能力计划(BHEAP)费用是科罗拉多州PUC为资助BHEAP而要求的每月费用, 为科罗拉多州符合条件的低收入住宅客户澳门金沙登录提供澳门金沙登录援助.

Franchise fee, county and state sales tax: These fees and taxes are determined by the town/city, county or state, and applied to customers located within the town/city limits, county or state.

Undergrounding fee: This fee recovers the costs to place underground the conduit, conductors, 普韦布洛市为城市范围内的客户澳门金沙登录提供所需的设备和配电线路.

Extraordinary Gas Cost Recovery Rider (EGCRR): 这笔费用用于补偿在2021年2月极端气温期间为天然藻类驱动的普韦布洛机场发电站(PAGS)澳门金沙登录提供燃料的成本.

Energy Assistance System Benefit Charge (EASBC): 这是向公用事业公司的燃气和电力客户收取的费用,除非客户选择退出或以其他方式豁免. 这项指控于2021年成为科罗拉多州法律(众议院第21-1105号法案)。, 为有收入的客户澳门金沙登录提供付款协助. 该援助由科罗拉多州澳门金沙登录推广中心(EOC)管理。.  Customers may call EOC at 1-866-HEAT-HELP. 澳门金沙登录公司的客户可以通过发送电子邮件eaoptout@blackhillsenergy来选择退出每月收费.com.

Electric Vehicle Rider: 这是所有COE客户为PUC所需的运输电气化计划支付的费率, also known as our Ready EV program.